Scaly rash on thighs and arms

What is a red rash on the arms torso and.

Answer I doubt you have syphilis but see below. More likely you are experiencing an allergy or contact dermatitis - the soap you wash your clothes or sheets with can
Causes of Thigh rash, alternative diagnoses, rare causes, misdiagnoses, patient stories, and much more.
06.01.2010 · Best Answer: Might be eczema. I have it, and it sounds similar. Check all of your soaps, detergents, fabric softeners and lotions and make sure they are
08.03.2009 · Is it scaly too? It could be psoriasis. If it is, you can't get rid of it as such. Once you have it, it's for life, but it comes and goes, it's not visible
Asymptomatic red lesions; Itchy papules.
Scaly rash on thighs and arms
What is a red rash on the arms torso and.Scaly rash on thighs and arms
for the past year or so i've had a dry, scaly rash on the palms of my hands, more on the right than the left. the skin feels thick and leathery, and often cracks open
Asymptomatic red lesions; Itchy papules on an infant's torso and palms; Pink scaly rash on the trunk and arms. Overview; Activity; Post-Test; Evaluation
Scale Skin Disease
Hello - thank you for taking the time to deal with my problem. I noticed a red, spotty rash on my right thigh - near my groin. I also have some dry scaly skin at > Wiki Answers > Categories > Health > Conditions and Diseases > What is a rash with circular red rough scaly and somewhat itchy located on upper arms
dry, scaly rash on palms of hands.
What is a rash with circular red rough.
Red spotty rash in groin area and thighs.
Blotchy skin on arms and thighs? - Yahoo!.
Redish rash on thighs, back, stomach,.